5. Yukako HISADA, Recovering Voices from Lowell, Massachusetts in the 1830s: Women Workers’ Strikes, Antislavery Petitions, and Anti-Abolition Mobs
23. Junko MIURA, Mexican Laborers, American Workers, and New Deal Socioeconomic Politics: The San Antonio Pecan Shellers Strike of 1938
47. Takeya MIZUNO, Real Voices or Government Mouthpieces? U.S. Propaganda Efforts to Use Japanese Americans in World War II Camps
71. Ryoichi YAMANE, Voices That Matter: Walker Percy’s Semiotic Masculinity in The Moviegoer
95. Keiko WELLS, Voices of Two Little Girls Blue: Janis Joplin, Nina Simone, and the Blues
129. Yohei SEKIGUCHI, Whispering without Sound: Patriarchal Historiography of Women’s Reproduction and Herstories in The Cider House Rules and The Handmaid’s Tale
No.35 (2024) Voices
2024.12.07 英文ジャーナル
No.34 (2023) Division, Diversity, and Unity
2023.12.13 英文ジャーナル
3. Seong-Ho LIM, What Kind of “America” Mattered in the State Building of South Korea? The “Tudor” Polity and the “Progressive” State
29. Yoshiko UZAWA, The Yellow Jacket (1912): Chinese Opera as Techne in Early Twentieth-Century American Theatre
45. Hiro MATSUBARA, “What a Quickening It Was to My Soul”: The Emergence of Women’s Autonomy in the New York Religious Tract Society, 1812–1826
67. Junko ISONO KATO, Counting Diversity in an Attempt to Achieve Unity: How the Three-Fifths Clause United and Divided Americans
89. Yuki ODA, Family Unity and “Noncitizen Citizenship”: The Advocacy of the International Institutes on Behalf of Separated Families
111. Shunta MATSUMOTO, The Role of Congress in the Current Polarized Age: Unified Decision-Maker or Partisan Arena?
137. Yutaka NAKAMURA, Informal Mediation on the Street: An Ethnographic Exploration of Discrimination and Division within Muslim Communities in Harlem
No.033 (2022) Mobility/Immobility
2022.04.01 英文ジャーナル
5. Takahiro SAKANE, Mobile Monuments: Dialectic of Commemoration in Henry James’s The American Scene
25. Yuri SAKUMA, African American Migration Narratives of the Harlem Renaissance: Jazz as a Symbol of Racial Uplift, “Low-Down” Migrants, and Black20232023 Feminism
45. Manako OGAWA, Konpira-san as Enemy Asset: The Contestation and Confrontation over the Interpretation of a Shinto Sea Deity and the Kotohira Jinsha v. McGrath Case in 1949
67. Ichiro MIYATA, “A Must for Atlanta’s Future”: Metropolitan Atlanta and the Rapid Transit Idea, 1963-65
87. Yuka MIZUTANI, Promotion of Gastronomic Traditions in the Sonoran Desert and Changes in the Representation of the US-Mexico Borderlands
109. Masahito WATANABE, Mobilizing Party Participation: Defending the Iowa Caucuses
133. Yoshiaki FURUI, Through an “Impenetrable Thicket”: Penetrating Depth and Alterity in Melville’s Typee
151. Shogo TANOKUCHI, Freaky Asian Junks: Herman Melville and Antebellum Exhibition Culture
No.032 (2021) Transnationalism
2021.04.01 英文ジャーナル
7. Yuko TAKAHASHI, Transgender Students and New Admission Policies at Historically Signifi cant Women’s Colleges in Twenty-First Century United States and Japan
29. Nozomi FUJIMURA, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Transnational Revision of America and Civil Wars: The American Claimant Manuscripts Reconsidered
51. Takayuki TATSUMI, The Laws of Literary Life Cycle: Reading Mark Twain’s Is He Dead? as a Transnational Play
71. Keiko ARAKI, Transnational Nationalism: Revisiting the Garvey Movement
91. Yoshie TAKAMITSU, Interwar Transnational Network and the British Commonwealth: The Institute of Pacifi c Relations and Transformation of Relations among the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States, 1942-43
No.031 (2020) Community
2020.04.01 英文ジャーナル
3. Izumi OGURA, The Concord Community: Ralph Waldo Emerson and the Antislavery Movement
21. Yuko MATSUMOTO, Community Building in Harlem: The New York Age in the 1910s
45. Michiyo KITAWAKI, The Making of Western Dressmaking Culture in the Hawai’i Nikkei Community before World War II
65. Bruce P. BOTTORFF, Forging American Womanhood: The Acculturation of Second-Generation Immigrant Girls in Honolulu, 1917-1938
87. Yushi YAMAZAKI, Becoming Internationalist Subjects: The Growth of Multiracial Labor Organizing among Japanese Immigrant Communities in California, 1925-1933
111. Ayako SAHARA, Sharing the Travail of Reeducation Camps, Expelling the Betrayer: The Politics of Deportation in a Vietnamese American Community
133. Kumiko NOGUCHI, Keeping the Indian Tribal Community Together: Nation Building and Cultural Sovereignty in the Indian Casino Era
157. Satomi MINOWA, “Free Love” in Sectional Debates over Slavery in Mid-Nineteenth-Century America
179. Koji ITO, Contesting Alaskan Salmon: Fishing Rights, Scientifi c Knowledge, and a US-Japanese Fishery Dispute in Bristol Bay in the 1930s
201. Mai ISOYAMA, The Asia Foundation’s Cold War Infl uence on Tadao Yanaihara’s Educational Research Institute in Japan
No.030 (2019) Democracy
2019.04.01 英文ジャーナル
3. Fumiaki KUBO, Japan-US Alliance in the Face of Populism: The Vulnerability of an Alliance Based on Asymmetric Rights and Obligations
17. Naoko SUGIYAMA, Democracy and the International American Girl: Gender, Class, and Race in The Lady of the Aroostook by William Dean Howells
31. Shoko KIYOHARA, Adoption of Online Voter Registration Systems as the New Trend of US Voter Registration Reform
53. Takeshi IIDA, Citizens’ Constitutional Knowledge and American Representative Democracy
No.029 (2018) Memory
2018.04.01 英文ジャーナル
3. Michiko SHIMOKOBE, Inland/Oceanic Imagination in Melville’s Redburn: Expansion and Memory in the Political Climate of America
23. Tsuyoshi ISHIHARA, Memory of American Classics: The Legacy of Mark Twain in US School Textbooks, 1930s-1940s
45. Michio ARIMITSU, De-Occidentalized “Projections in the Haiku Manner”: Poetics of Indeterminacy and Transcultural Reconfiguration of “Frog Perspectives” in Richard Wright’s Last Poems
67. Masumi IZUMI, Gila River Concentration Camp and the Historical Memory of Japanese American Mass Incarceration
89. Akiko OCHIAI, A “New Integration” of Memory in the National Museum of African American History and Culture
113. Yoshie TAKAMITSU, Improving US-Japanese Relations through the News Media: Roy W. Howard, Dentsu, and the Osaka Mainichi
No.028 (2017) America and the World
2017.04.01 英文ジャーナル
3. Takashi ASO, Ethics of the Transpacifi c: Dinh Q. Lê, Sàn Art, and Memories of War
25. Katsuyuki MURATA, Solidarity Based Not on Sameness: Aspects of the Black-Palestinian Connection
45. Kazuteru OMORI, “Little America” in Africa: Liberia as a Touchstone for African Americans
61. Michael GORMAN, Rural Cosmopolitanism and Cultural Imperialism in Willa Cather’s One of Ours
83. Toru ONOZAWA, The United States and the British Withdrawal from South Arabia, 1962-1967
105. Naoki KAMIMURA, “Liberal” America and Bolivia’s Revolutionary Challenge, 1952-1960: An Interpretation in a Comparative Framework
127. Akiyo YAMAMOTO, US Hungarian Refugee Policy, 1956-1957
No.027 (2016) Japan and the United States
2016.04.01 英文ジャーナル
1. Toshikazu MASUNAGA, Beyond the American Landscape:Tourism and the Significance of Hawthorne’s Travel Sketches
21. Hisayo OGUCHI, Little House in the Far East:The American Frontier Spirit and Japanese Girls’ Comics
45. Tosh MINOHARA, The Russo-Japanese War and the Transformation of US-Japan Relations: Examining the Geopolitical Ramifications
69. Yuji ONIKI, Through the Eyes of Ancient Egyptians: Franz Boas and Tanizaki Junichirô on Modern Japan
97. Keiko NITTA, Black Bottom of Modernity:The Racial Imagination of Japanese Modernism in the 1930s
123. Yoneyuki SUGITA, The Yoshida Doctrine as a Myth
145. Ayako KUSUNOKI, Consensus Building on Use of Military Bases in Mainland Japan: US-Japan Relations in the 1950s
167. Shinsuke TOMOTSUGU, After the Hegemony of the “Atoms for Peace” Program: Multilateral Nonproliferation Policy under the Nixon and Ford Administrations
189. Ikue KINA, Postwar US Presence in Okinawa and Border Imagination: Stories of Eiki Matayoshi and Tami Sakiyama
211. Okiyoshi TAKEDA, Closing the Gap: The Japanese American Leadership Delegation Program and Increasing Involvement of Japanese Americans in US-Japan Relations
235. Yasuko KASE, Diasporic War Memory in Juliet S. Kono’s Anshū: Dark Sorrow
No.026 (2015) Family
2015.04.01 英文ジャーナル
7. Nam Gyun KIM, A History of American Studies in Korea
19. Jun FURUYA, Between Republic and Empire
37. Masahiko NARITA, The Phenomenology of Family-Killing Fatherhood
57. Takuya NISHITANI, Melville’s Experiment with Domestic Fiction in “The Apple-Tree Table”
75. Miya SHICHINOHE-SUGA, Japanese Interracial Families in the United States, 1879-1900
99. Rie MAKINO, Absent Presence as a Nonprotest Narrative
121. Akira HONGO, Family and Four American Gay Playwrights
145. Chitose SATO, “Mixed-Status Families” in the Age of Welfare Reform
169. Ayumu KANEKO, The Same-Sex Marriage Campaign in the Age of Neoliberalism
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