Annual Meeting

The Fifty-Eighth JAAS Annual Meeting Program

2024.04.17 What's New,Annual Meeting,Infomation

The 58th JAAS Annual Meeting will be held on June 1st and 2nd, 2024 at Waseda University, Tokyo.
The Fifty-Eighth JAAS Annual Meeting Program

The Fifty-Seventh JAAS Annual Meeting Map&Guide

2023.05.28 What's New,Annual Meeting,Infomation

Map to the Ikuta Campus is below.

The Fifty-Seventh JAAS Annual Meeting Program

2023.05.16 What's New,Annual Meeting,Infomation

2023Program English.Final (20230510)

Special Notice in Regard to the JAAS 2021 Annual Conference

2021.06.30 Annual Meeting

Dear Colleague,

We inform you that the JAAS Executive Board and Program Committee decided that our 55th Annual Conference on June 5-6, 2021, is to be held ONLINE. We appreciate the JAAS members and partners at Keio University, and apologize for inconveniences this decision may cause to those of you who had planned to attend the 2021 Conference. Details regarding the online conference will be provided on the JAAS official website and through the association mailing list.

Chair, Program Committee, JAAS

Call for Paper Proposals: The 55th JAAS Annual Meeting

2021.03.15 Annual Meeting

The 55th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for American Studies,
(Keio University, Tokyo, Japan)

The 55th JAAS Annual Meeting will be held on June 5th and 6th, 2021 at Keio University, Tokyo. The JAAS Annual Meeting Program Coordinating Committee invites JAAS members to send paper proposals for the “Independent Paper Sessions” to be held on June 5th, 2020. If you are interested in giving a paper, please send by email a proposal that includes (1) your name, (2) your affiliation, (3) the title of your paper, (4) a summary of your paper (approximately 800 words) and (5) five keywords to the JAAS Annual Meeting Office ( by November 20th, 2020 (Japanese Standard Time, JST).

The 55th Conference may be held online, if the of COVID-19 pandemic is not sufficiently resolved. Please check JAAS official website for the latest information.

[Proposals from Japan] Only JAAS members can submit a paper proposal. Proposals from non-members will be reviewed if their membership application is received by November 20th, 2019 and the membership is approved in the Board of Executive Directors meeting. Upon approval, you should compete your membership payment.

[Proposal from outside Japan]Non-members can submit a proposal. When the paper is accepted, you should register before March 1st, 2021 (JST) to ensure your presentation. Registration fee is 8,000 JPN. Please note that registration fee is non-refundable.

You can present a paper in the “Independent Paper Sessions” two years in a row, but not three years. A previously published paper will not be accepted.

If your proposal is accepted, you will be asked to submit your full paper (approximately 5,000 to 7,500 words) to the JAAS Annual Meeting Program Coordinating Committee by May 15th, 2021. The paper will be posted at the JAAS Internet site for two weeks before and after the Annual Meeting; it will be protected by a password that will be given to JAAS members only.

The JAAS Annual Meeting Program Coordinating Committee