
Archive : 19993

33. America and the Twentieth Century (1999)

1999.03.14 The American Review

America and the Twentieth Century
U.S. Hegemony and the Debates on the “American Century” Hideki Kan(1)
From the New Economic History to the Social Science History: An Evolution of American Economic History in the Twentieth Century Eiichi Akimoto(19)
War and Gender: the Vietnam War and American Society Yoko Shirai(37)
The Transformation of American Democracy in the Twentieth Century:The Growth of Institutional Universe and the Decline of Electoral Politics Hirofumi Nakano(59)
The Literary and Cultural Politics of Passing: A Comparative Study of Mary   Hastings Bradley and James Tiptree, Jr. Mari Kotani(79)
Federalist Response to Jefferson’s Neutrality Policy, 1805-1806 Naoki Kamimura(97)
From Preacher to Lecturer: a Study of R.W. Emerson’s Sermons Yoshio Takanashi(115)
The Tradition of Psychiatry Reflected in Domestic Fiction in Nineteenth-Century   America Toshimi Suzuki(135)
Southern White Liberals’ Struggle for the Segregation and State’s Rights in the SCHW Birmingham Noriko Hosoya(151)
Formation of the New Left Movement: From Sit-Ins to the Port Huron   Statement (1960-1962) Toru Umezaki(171)
Autobiography and the “Minoritarian”: How Henry Miller “Becomes-Woman” Satoshi Kanazawa(191)
The Innocents Abroad as a Consumer Narrative Mark Twain and   Expanding Consumption in Late Nineteenth-Century America Tsuyoshi Ishihara(209)
The Thirty-Second Annual Meeting:A Summary Report -227
Abstracts -245